2019-06-30 来源: 收藏文本

Competing enterprises should aim at co-operating with giant enterprises, such as China Resources, in term of marketing, innovation, and construction.

1) The entry each enterprise submits should accord closely with the direction of "Green & Intelligent Cities".

2) Competing enterprises should engage in the development and manufacturing of high-tech products with innovation and potentiality, and should be willing to co-operate with hosting units and to help construct the Xiongan New Area.

3) Competing enterprises will be divided into Group Start-Ups and Growing Group. Enterprises registered after 1/1/2019 (included) are qualified to join in Group Start-Ups; enterprises registered before 31/12/2018 (included) can only join in Growing Group.

i Competing enterprises should engage in the development and manufacturing of hi-tech products, with good reputation and no bad records;

ii Competing enterprises should be unlisted. The operating income in 2019 should be no more than 600 million RMB.

4) Competing enterprises should be innovative and highly-potential, possessing their own intellectual properties and without any relating disputes.

5) Event will not make any charges from competing enterprises, and enterprises should pay their own expenses.